A Closer Look at Capgras Syndrome's Impact on Lives: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments


In 1923 Joseph Capgras and Jean Reboul Lachaux were two psychiatrists who described the Capgras syndrome for the first time. When they have a patient who is delusional about his family friend and other people that they are replaced by an imposter. 

Capgras is a disorder in which a patient is unable to attach emotionally to his familiar ones. He believes that person is replaced by an imposter.

Capgras is a delusional misidentification syndrome and this type of syndrome can create other disorders of delusion. 

Sometimes the patients of Capgras think that pets and other non-living objects are also impostors. This psychological disorder can affect anyone but this disorder is more common in women than in men. 

People with the disorder may experience feelings of confusion, anxiety, and paranoia and may become isolated from their loved ones.  


Signs and symptoms of Capgras syndrome 

The signs and symptoms of Capgras are different for different conditions. Symptoms may vary between people. Some of the symptoms are as follows:

  • The most common symptom is that a person believes his loved one is an imposter.

  • Delusion is another symptom of this disorder. As paranoid delusion.  

  • Violentness is another symptom of Capgras. That person became violent about little things.

  • Dissociation 

  • Aggression 

  • Auditory and visual hallucinations

These are all symptoms of this disorder. 

Causes of Capgras syndrome. 

The exact cause of this disorder is not known but different approaches lead to knowing the reasons for the disorder. 

Brain injury 

This syndrome may be caused by brain injury. When a person has trauma in his life and his brain is affected, traumatic lesions on the brain can cause a syndrome. 


Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

Other conditions such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can cause this syndrome. 

Schizoaffective disorder

Capgras syndrome is caused by other disorders such as schizophrenia and epilepsy.  

Dysfunctioning in brain 

Capgras is also caused by dysfunction in the brain. When the brain is not doing well it's unable to recognize and cause this type of disorder. 


Prosopagnosia is a condition in which people experience facial blindness. So Prosopagnosia is the main cause of Capgras disorder. In this condition, a person is unable to recognize faces. 


Neurological condition 

Neurological conditions cause different disorders which affect memory and it also alters the person's sense of reality. 

Treatments for Capgras syndrome

 There are different ways by which a specialist can deal with a person who has Capgras syndrome. For the treatment of Capgras syndrome, a person must consult a mental health professional.  

Antipsychotic medication 

The primary treatment of Capgras is medication. Different drugs are recommended by professionals for the treatment of Capgras. These drugs are used to reduce the intensity and frequency of conditions.    


Psychotherapy can help individuals to cope with their beliefs and delusions. Cognitive behavior therapy is also included in it. So different therapies are used to cope with the challenges and delusional thoughts. 

Reality orientation 

Reality orientation involves reminding regularly to the person about the reality of their situation so this way they develop a better sense of reality and reduce their delusion. 

Supportive therapy 

In supportive therapy, a supportive environment is provided to persons which helps to cope with their delusions. In this therapy counseling and support of family are included.  

Electroconvulsive therapy(ECT)

When other treatments have failed this method of treatment is applied. ECT is a medical procedure in which an electric current is passed through the brain. And this treatment is effective in reducing delusions. 

Care for a patient with Capgras syndrome 

It is important to care for someone who has Capgras syndrome. There are many ways in which we can take care of them. 

  • We should avoid arguing with them and try to correct them properly. 

  •  Help them to feel that they are safe. 

  • Talk to them about what they need to talk about. 

  • Explain to them reality when it is possible.  

  • When an imposter leaves it is important to take over the patient until the episode is over.

  • Always acknowledge their emotions and feelings. 


In the last, it is said that Capgras syndrome is a rare disorder that is characterized by delusions of belief. The patient has the belief that his loved one is replaced by an imposter. Neural pathways are responsible for facial recognition and this disorder is caused when abnormalities occur in neural pathways. Researchers are going on to understand the reasons for this disorder and ways to deal with this type of disorder. 


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