How To Treat Autism In Children


Autism is a neurological disorder that appears in children in the starting years of their life. This disorder has different signs that present in children as these children are antisocial and most of the time they live alone, lack eye contact, and feel difficulty in showing expression. 

There is not any specific way to treat the autistic child but some ways are present through which we can deal with autism.     

Communication therapy 

The best way is to communicate with that child on all topics and make good communication with him. When a child has an opportunity to talk he will explain all his misconceptions. So talking with that child makes him able to express his thoughts. Children learn new skills and learn how to talk and behave. 

Behavioral therapy 

Behavior therapy is used to change the behavior of a child so he thinks in a positive way and in this way we deal with the autistic child in a better way. Psychologists have different ways of changing the behavior of their patients. They teach them new skills and social learning that help them to deal with their problems and try to overcome them. Behavior therapy of autistic children is known as Applied Behavior Analysis(ABA). 

Educational therapy 

Educational treatments are applied in classroom settings. A team of specialists dealing with autistic children arranges different activities to participate in it and teach them social skills. Visual and oral ways are used to attract their attention.   


Medication is used to treat the most severe symptoms of autism. Medication is used to overcome hyperactivity, higher energy management, the inability to focus, and self-harming behavior. Medicine is used to treat psychological and physiological problems such as sleep problems and stomach problems.

Family therapy 

Parents and other family members also play an important role to deal with autistic patients. They help them how to interact with others and children learn 70% of their knowledge from their families. They teach their children how to play and how to act on any reaction. They also promote social learning skills. They teach them daily living skills and communication. 

 Nutritional therapy 

 The reason for autism is that most children do not get the food that they need for their growth and good health. Some children eat only specific food because they like its taste. But they also dislike others because of their bad experiences like stomach pain or discomfort. But it is important for parents and caregivers that there should be a food plan for autistic children. Parents should make sure that their children get the proper nutrients. Parents should consult with a good dietitian and food specialist, to provide the proper diet to their children.  



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